Building redir from source
Greetings interwebs,
Folks who have worked with me before (or who have been reading my blog - yeah I know, I know) know that redir is one of my most favorite tools.
Unfortunately CentOS 7 (including EPEL) does not come with redir. What's a sysadmin to do when one of his beloved tools is missing?
Compile it himself of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( and create an RPM out of it so he doesn't have to do it again!)
1. Get the necessary build tools:
yum -y install
yum -y install ruby rpm-build libffi-devel make gcc autoconf automake
gem install fpm --no-ri --no-rdoc
2. Create a target directory called /builddir:
mkdir /builddir
3. Download the latest release from Github:
cd /tmp
curl -LO
4. Untar the sources, compile, etc:
tar -xzf v3.1.tar.gz
cd redir-3.1/
./configure --prefix=/builddir
make -j `nproc`
make install
Note: the --prefix=/builddir
--- this is telling the configure script to set the target for make install to /builddir. We do this so it's easier to package everything up later.
5. Build the RPM:
cd /builddir
fpm --verbose -v 3.1 -n redir -s dir -t rpm .=/usr/
6. Inspect the RPM before you install it using the rpm -qlp command:
rpm -qlp redir-3.1-1.x86_64.rpm
7. Install the RPM:
yum install redir-3.1-1.x86_64.rpm
8. Test that it works:
which redir
redir -v