1. How to create an RPM for Python 3.9 to use with CentOS 7

    Create a Docker Container:

    For convenience, we'll build the RPM inside a CentOS 7 docker container.

    1. Create the CentOS 7 container:

    docker run -dt --name centos7 centos:7 bash

    2. Enter the container:

    docker exec -it centos7 bash

    Install and configure CCache:

    Since compiling can take a while and …

  2. Building an RPM for Ruby 2.4.1

    These are my notes on how I used FPM to build an RPM for Ruby 2.4.1.

    1. Install the dependencies that we need to build Ruby:

    yum -y install openssl-devel libffi-devel readline-devel gdbm-devel libyaml-devel \
    tcl-devel tk-devel ruby ruby-devel gcc rpm-build gcc-c++ gmp-devel doxygen make \
    systemtap-sdt-devel graphviz

    2. Install …

  3. Building redir from source

    Greetings interwebs,

    Folks who have worked with me before (or who have been reading my blog - yeah I know, I know) know that redir is one of my most favorite tools.

    Unfortunately CentOS 7 (including EPEL) does not come with redir. What's a sysadmin to do when one of his …

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