1. logtail2 - get only new lines from logfiles

    Some time ago I was working on a project where we only wanted to process the new files from a logfile - the requirement was that we should never process the same line more than once.

    So we started counting the lines of the logfile and adding a bunch of checks …

  2. Creating an encrypted loopback device with Tomb

    Tomb makes managing encrypted volumes easy - in fact very easy. This is a must if you're like me and want to store sensitive stuff on the cloud.

    You can download Tomb from here.

    1. Install some dependencies:

    yum install ncurses-devel cryptsetup zsh gettext -y
    yum install http://pkgs.repoforge.org …

  3. Monitorix installation on CentOS

    These are the steps I took to install Monitorix on a brand new VPS.

    1. Make sure you have the EPEL repo set up as Monitorix has some dependencies there

    yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm

    2. Then install the latest version of Monitorix …

  4. SpeedTest - simple bandwidth test

    On CentOS 6.x this is super easy to install since Python 2.6.x is already installed (Yum dependency).

    1. Get the script:

    wget -O speedtest-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest_cli.py

    2. Make it executable:

    chmod +x speedtest-cli

    3. Run it:


    Sample output:

    Retrieving …

  5. Installing CentOS 7 on my old Gateway GT5662

    So I was curious to try out CentOS 7 on my old Gateway GT5662 desktop that's lying around gathering dust.

    Some more specs on the Gateway desktop:

    • Chipset: NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE
    • Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 9500 Quad-Core Processor
    • Ethernet Controller Realtek
    • RTL8201N 2x 250GB Maxtor 7L250S0 SATA drives

    These …

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