1. Beginning with Ansible on FreeBSD 10

    Ansible is a configuration management tool much like Chef and Puppet. The main difference is that Ansible pushes all configuration over SSH, whereas Chef/Puppet/Salt pull configuration using clients installed on the targets. Ansible has only two requirements:

    1. SSH

    2. Python needs to be installed on the targets

    To install …

  2. MooseFS 1.6.27 on FreeBSD 10

    MooseFS is a distributed file system that works on multiple different platforms including FreeBSD. It has three parts one of which is optional:

    1. The MooseFS Master

    2. The MooseFS ChunkServers

    3. The MooseFS Metalogger (Optional)

    The MooseFS master keeps track of all the files and changes on the ChunkServers …

  3. FreeBSD 10 as a PXE Server (isc-dhcp)

    In a previous post I used FreeBSD 9.2 as a DHCP server. This is basically the sequel of that post. We're going to enable PXE booting by using TFTP and NFS to serve the files from. Let's go ahead and install the dhcpd server package:

    pkg install isc-dhcp43-server-4.3 …

  4. Reducing the FreeBSD boot countdown time

    This is just a quick note to myself so I don't forget. If you're looking on how to reduce the boot countdown time on FreeBSD 9 and 10 this is how you do it:

    Edit /boot/defaults/loader.conf

    Find the line:


    Uncomment and change it to a …

  5. Notes on setting up the IPFW firewall

    This isn't so much of a proper how-to, but mostly notes to self on how to quickly setup IPFW on FreeBSD 9.

    To enable IPFW:

    Open up /etc/rc.conf and add the following lines:

    firewall_enable="YES" #Enables the firewall - the most important line :)
    firewall_logging="YES" #optional - enables logging - logs …

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